
What do you have at stake???

What do you have at stake? it's a very good question that i was asked by a friend when we discussed my multiple business ventures and where they currently were. when i thought about it, i discovered that i didn't have as much at stake as i thought. his comment, while waiting on me 2 respond, was "if you cant answer it, then you probably dont have alot at stake...which is probably why you havent moved as fast as you need 2".  and i am not ashamed 2 say that he is exactly right.  when you fall in the water and cant swim, you beat up the water because you have your life at stake. when someone breaks into your home and threatens you and your family, you pray to stay alive because your well being is at stake. when your job is threatened, most work like hell as your livelihood is at stake. when your spouse talks of ending the relationship/marriage, feelings get upset because your relationship/marriage is at stake. when i lost my job due 2 the economic downturn and my mortgage company wouldnt work with me on a plan for 10 months, they were going to auction my home on the courthouse steps eventhough i had just gotten a job. i acted by contacting a lawyer once i saw they were not going 2 work with me and filed chapter 13 bankruptcy...my home and lifestyle were at stake. 2 many times, we act as if we are in an urgent mode to get things accomplished, move 2 the next step or complete a task.  when we drag on, dont complete the item or even say SH*T happens, the only thing we dont do is cross our self-created finish line. it just becomes another long, never ending hallway like you see in those scary movies. ask yourself this question, if you really have something at stake, why arent you doing the things that you need to? and would your reasons be legitimate to others or only to you? (most of us will respond to the second question "i dont care what others think or it makes no difference what somebody else thinks...)

i know that i have asked myself those questions and i need to move faster because i have been guilty most of the time of all of the above...

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