
Who's Right, Who's Wrong and Why do WE DO WHAT WE DO?

Sorry for being in witness protection but sitting here in Miami for work and just wanted to re-emerge with some thoughts.

I understand that recently, "Uncle Luke" spoke out on a radio station against stars coming down to "his city" Miami and not paying the proper respect.  Luke said that back in the day, people didn't come into a town from somewhere else and not pay the proper respect i.e. setting up huge parties, bringing in women or just using up the women there (sleeping with, drinking with, smoking weed, etc.) and not putting anything back into the community.  These stars (Diddy and Lil' Wayne were named in the statement) don't set up programs for the community, donate money to causes or anything worthwhile...basically taking from and not giving back.  Not that I disagree with his point but it begs the following questions:

1. Because this isn't "Back in the Day" and times have changed, does anyone "owe" anyone else some type of "gratitude or props" when they enter another town?

2. Why do we seemingly have an expectation that people should do what we "think they should do or is the right thing to do" with their money?

3. And if he had this problem, did he go to the radio as a final tactic to get some results? Did he reach out to them privately before he blasted them on radio?

4. Why do we (as black people) have to publicly state our problems with other black people publicly? When was the last time you heard Latinos or Asians publicly deal with their issues?

Who's Right, Who's Wrong but does it really matter...?

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