
a call out to black people...stop the hypocrisy

james brown once uttered "people, people we got to get over before we go under".  these words have never been more true than the attitudes we display in this modern day. black ppl are the first to criticize every other culture and race about what others do.  for example, we criticize latinos and asians for their "community living" i.e. the quantity of persons either living, working or even riding in a car together. we criticize caucasians for their ability to "have it easy" based on their skin color, parents, great-grandparents or something that we didn't have. but do u think that if u had the ability to have a step up, a foot in the door, a family business to grow up and work in, u wouldn't take advantage of it. if so, then why are we so critical? why do we take ourselves so seriously that we seemingly feel like we are owed something? why can't black ppl take criticism as much as we like to talk about others? we act as if we have overcome? society is looking for positive influences who can bring something to the table...a new idea or concept, an application for a smart device, a new process to make systems work better. 

we have to find ways to make ourselves marketable to others; and then we can start overcoming. if u don't have anything that anybody wants, why should they want u? it's not "the man's fault" that u aren't using your skills, ideas, and/or knowledge. and if any of these are lacking, either increase them or ask a friend or somebody u trust how u can.

u don't know what u don't know, but u know somebody that knows more than u...or are u the smartest one in your bunch?

now that may b the problem...


  1. Great points. We should stop worrying about what other people (within & outside our race) have, as well as how they live and worry about what we can do to improve our situation. Stop playing the blame game & looking for excuses to justify your reasons for being in your situation. Think harder, study harder, & work harder.

  2. “I’m calling for a moratorium on excuses. I challenge African-Americans today— all of us — to set aside our alibis.” - Benjamin Hooks
