
Communication...Stay in the loop

the world dictionary describes communication below, which is one of many descriptions: "the study of ways in which human beings communicate, including speech, gesture, telecommunication systems, publishing and broadcasting media, etc."

how is it that in the year 2011, where most of us have a smart device hooked to us or laying near us (sum of us have them in our pockets and keep dialing ppl) and basically cant live without them, we have a harder time communicating than ever before? now, we can place an order for chinese food or pizza, we can curse out customer no-service when our multiple media devices don't work, when we don't understand sumthing we didn't read the manual on, when we place our order and the dumbazz customer service rep gets it wrong.  but sumhow, we cant figure out a way to use all the ability we have for everything else to communicate with anybody outside of our own homes.  we appreciate and thank others for calling us, for texting us, for face-booking us, for tweeting us and staying in contact but why don't we take the first step more? what makes us so good that we can make the first move and others should? 

how can our families, friends, partners, mates, co-workers, and society-in-general keep us in the loop or keep us "plugged in" to whats going on outside of our own world when we never take time to reach out? the real question is why should others have to? don't we want to be in the loop? hell, one thing is clear - none of us want to get left at the station when the train leaves? Is it the conductor's fault you didn't check the time the train departs? we have become a society that is selfish; we want things to cater to us for sum unknown reason.  how do u expect to get ahead when you keep placing yourself behind? and then u want the rest of us to keep U in the loop? or just slow down enough to let u start a light jog so you can catch up to get in with us...u know what...don't get in, you'll probably just slow it down for the rest of us who r trying to keep moving forward any damn way.

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