
Who Do You Pour Into???

Who Do You Pour Into???

By pouring into, I mean whose life do you contribute to and how do you do it? And does it work to your benefit or there’s? Let’s dive right in shall we…

It’s funny how we expect so much from others but often, we don’t look at what we are doing for others nor how we do it. I frequently take stock in my life, relationships, personal and business interactions and can honestly say that in the past, I was not as giving as I probably should have been. I took the typical human approach and said “they didn’t do for me so…” or “my time is valuable so my stuff is more important” but if that’s all you’re doing, the only person you’re pouring into is yourself. And if that’s the case, how can I expect good things/blessings/opportunities to come back to me when I’m not doing anything for anyone else? Now, by no means am I saying that we should become a personal Salvation Army or Goodwill but we can’t just keep all of us to ourselves, our kids & family and expect to receive a lot back. As a parent, it’s a requirement to pour into my sons, even if one of them chooses to isolate himself from his family and be less than responsive. It’s my obligation to pour into my mother, father, sister and nephew’s lives and my parents are why I’m here, and outside of God, the reason I’m where I am today. It’s my job to pour into my friends, even when they are not pouring into me, because we’re true friends and that never dies (in my opinion). It’s my job to pour into my spouse, no matter how much I’m mad/frustrated/angry/pain in the ass that she may be at the time because the only way to make it work is to move forward and give as much love as possible. The road has been and will get rocky with all of the people mentioned but how productive, satisfied, successful and happy will I be if I just “Do Me” a.k.a. do what I want to do on my little island but still expect everybody to put our for me…

There was a time where I felt like “if it can happen to me it will” and all the actions around me seemed to show I was right. But then one day I came to my senses and said “Mark, the Universe doesn’t start every day off trying to find out how to sabotage you…You’re Not That Important.” I wasn’t doing for or thinking about others, I was just thinking about how my stuff was (or wasn’t) going.

Ask yourself these questions:

-   Outside of my children/spouse, who am I pouring into?

    If I do have friends and family that are important to me, how am I showing  them that they’re important?

    If I am showing them, is it in a fashion that works for them or is it all about me?

    Do I feel that people are pouring into me?

    Can I extend myself more to the people that are important to me or should they  be reaching out to me instead?

If you expect a world of good things, you have to give a world of good things to others and God will reward us, maybe just not how you think it should be given to you. But keep doing it your way as its obviously working for you…

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