
It's A Long Road Back...when u want it 2 b.

It's a long road back from hurt, trust me I know. It's an even longer road back when  the other person won't let go. When u wronged someone, apologized for it, what else can u do? The victim is hurt, faith and trust is shaken, of course they're thru with u. But I also know it's a lot easier 2 be mad than 2 forgive, this I know as well. As I've walked this road with another story 2 tell. We choose 2 get over or stay stuck, stay mad or let go. 2 stay mad lets me justify and not let them off the hook. I say "I can't let it go 2 quick because then it's like I'm saying its ok so i close the book. I just stay away, keep being hurt an pray 4 a better day. Because I'm the 1 that's hurt, the only thing that matters is my way. I shouldn't think about the other person, I'm not the one 2 blame. That I've hurt people in the past doesn't matter right now cuz it's not the same. Forgive and get on with your life. Can sumthin that took years 2 buildup be wiped away with 1 mistake??? For most it can but I realized I'm not 1 of those who can...so here's a toast 2 the rest of u who let people go so easily!!!

Because it's a long road back...when u want it 2 be!!!

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