
time won't give me time...

outside of being the lyrics in an old culture club song, it seems to be the story of my life. why does it seem like the time u need u can never have? or better yet, the time you need to take care of what u deem to be priorities, others seemingly dont like your choices. why would somebody be disappointed with me because i want to do what i choose on my birthday and not what they want to do for me? its interesting that the generic quote always thrown out is that "people do what they want to do"? while that may b tru, why is that never uttered when the person who made that "cavalier" statement gets what they want? as long as u are "what someone wants to do", its ok. soundz selfish to me...but then again, we are human.


Work...what does it mean other than a paycheck?

how many ppl do u kno who are obsessed with their work, who are type "a" or have stress related diseases and who can't slow down? can't slow down because they use their routine to distract themselves; to reduce life to only its practical considerations. how many ppl do u know that use their work as an excuse to "be who they are"?  to justify why they have succeeded to this point in life?  if you get to work early, work thru lunch, stay late and then take it home or do work from home, what does one have left for one's self? does it matter what u have left or does it matter that the job got done...


the basis of relationships

relationships, at their core, are basically a simple cost-benefit analysis. You're not going to break the bank each and every time, that must be understood.  If u are getting a positive return on your investment, u stay. If u are getting a negative return on your investment, u leave. Its simple as that.  But ask yourself this - Are u one of the greedy ones...U know, one of the ones that's getting more positive than negative but aren't getting what u think u deserve?

Tracye Leake_02.14.11


Critical Mass

Restlessness has taken over our lives and has left us feeling dissatisfied.  We are all looking for more fulfillment and we won't put up with anything that seems to bring us down.  This restless searching is what's behind the "me-first" attitude that's affecting everyone.  And when it comes to relationships, we're so demanding that we're making them near impossible.  When both partners in a relationship are overly demanding, when each expects the other to live in his or her world, to always be there to join in his or her chosen activities, an ego battle inevitably develops.



3 things to improve your life

1. listen to you body
2. stay in the present
3. give up being right

Deepak Chopra

a random thought

Surrender…Stop resisting. Stop trying to change what you cannot change.  Be in the moment, be fully open to the blessings you have already received and those which are yet to come to you and stand in that space of gratitude and honor, and claim that for yourself and look at where you are and how far you have come, what you’ve gotten and what you’ve accomplished.  And when you can see that and claim that, the literal vibration of your life will change.

my blog introduction

welcome to 1man’s kave. for wut its worth, this is my 1st attempt (and damn sure not the last) to let off some steam and speak about what’s on my mind (my therapist suggested it). it may b politics, bad-ass drivers, unemployment, muzik and who know’s wut else. i hope you njoy and feel free to chime in. everyone has thoughts and guess wut…we dont have to like each others. be yourself and speak your mind…you should. and for the “smart-politically correct-it should always be done the right way people”, the bad grammar, abbreviations and lower case letters are on purpose.