
You control your perspective

PSA: You Control Your Perspective

As I drove into my pseudo-government job, I had a multitude of thoughts that ran through my mind like a meteor shower. I thought about how no matter how hard I work at this job, how good I do, no matter how good of a steward I am of the government’s (and tax payers) money I am, it probably won’t amount to over a 2% raise at best; I thought about how I currently can’t move up and improve my life with this job, as that’s not what this position is about; I thought about how I have so many co-workers that come to work and do as little as possible, work to put their work on you and take no interest in anything but being here for as short a time as possible; I thought about how my mechanic told me I need to get a new vehicle and I really don’t want or need that monthly note; I thought about how today is the 30th born day of my twin sons and question if I have been the best father I could have been; I thought about how I have pressure coming from the professional, entrepreneurial and personal sides and how everybody thinks you should have all the answers and not having answers is rarely acceptable (I guess because everybody else does)…

And then I think that my perspective is totally out of whack this morning as there are plenty of people who would die to be where I am. I have a warm house to live in, a job to pay for the mortgage and vehicle issues I have, family and friends that love me, I’m in fairly good health…I have desires I’m shooting for and dreams I want to see fulfilled. This morning it was 27 degrees when I woke up and there are plenty of folks sleeping either in a shelter or outside; plenty of people that don’t have enough to eat, some kids are cold and hungry and don’t know where or how they will get their next meal. And my ASS is worried because I’m behind on my Christmas shopping!

I’ve been criticized in the past for the following statement but what the hell, I still believe it’s true and as I can only be me, “It’s not as good as it could be but it certainly isn’t as bad as it could be either” so I’m grateful for what God has given me. So while we sit around sulking and being mad at what we haven’t gotten, what hasn’t gone our way, what “plot” the universe seems to have against us”, why not change your perspective and think about what has worked in our favor. When we aren’t grateful for what we have, why would we expect to be given more?? Maybe we enjoy being mad or upset because we don’t know how to be happy (or just being not mad). Somebody always has it worse than me but maybe that doesn’t matter because I’m the only one that matters…


Good Morning God & Thank You...

Good Morning God & Thank You…

First off, let me say “Thank You” for allowing me to see another day to work on being a better steward for you. Let me also say thank you for making me a regular person and not famous, be it a business mogul, athlete, actor or some other type of person that YOU’VE given gifts to and allowed them with your gifts, to amass wealth and notoriety, among other things. See God, I’ve been watching for my 46 years of life and have seen that when YOU’VE given those people things, it’s made the regular people, like me, tell those people how others should spend their money, time and what they should be grateful for. It’s made us, the regular people tell those other people what they should be thankful for, what they owe the rest of us, what their effort level should be…The regular people, like me, somehow feel like because we paid for a ticket, we have the right be know everything about these people. We feel like because YOU gave them a gift to do something public, which means they work for me and therefore, I should have full access. We feel like if you catch or throw a ball and my job is to report on your actions (and you are mandated to talk to the media or you are required to stand for an anthem), they should be open to giving me information to do my job and if they don’t like it, they should just get another job. If they don’t do what we think they should do, it’s acceptable to criticize them publicly or assassinate their character and even give them negative reviews (even keep them out of the Halls of Fame) just because we didn’t like how they weren’t accommodating to us. It doesn’t matter to us that YOU are judging them, the only thing that matters is that we’re not getting what we want and that means everything. God, I’m glad you weren’t that selfish…


Don't blame your loss of passion on others...

Don't blame your loss of passion on others...

When others don't do things the way you think they should;
When your company does exactly the opposite of what their core values state;
When your boss' lack of management effects the entire office culture;
When you don't workout because you don't like the gym atmosphere;
When your co-workers don't do their jobs, which makes doing your job harder;
When your family/friends get on your nerves (like you never get on theirs);
When you hold others accountable for things that you don't do, but keep coming up with excuses which are ok for you but not for others;
When people do nothing and don't see anything wrong with it;
When the opportunities you seek don't appear in the time you think they should;
When you change how you treat your mate because you're not getting what you want or need (be it worship, encouragement, them taking your sided regardless of if they think you're right or wrong, taking out the trash without asking or even the lack of intimacy);
When friends or loved ones don't give you the attention you seek/need/want/desire;
When your kids don't follow your instructions, regardless of how much you talk to them;

When you feel like God isn't answering your prayers and you've done nothing to deserve not being answered:

When you can find all the fault in the world with everything else and everybody else but what you're doing is ok:

We need to Be what we Seek...And not blame others because we lost OUR Passion!!!

Don't blame your loss of passion on others...

Don't blame your loss of passion on others...

When others don't do things the way you think they should;
When your company does exactly the opposite of what their core values state;
When your boss' lack of management effects the entire office culture;
When you don't workout because you don't like the gym atmosphere;
When your co-workers don't do their jobs, which makes doing your job harder;
When your family/friends get on your nerves (like you never get on theirs);
When you hold others accountable for things that you don't do, but keep coming up with excuses which are ok for you but not for others;
When people do nothing and don't see anything wrong with it;
When the opportunities you seek don't appear in the time you think they should;
When you change how you treat your mate because you're not getting what you want or need (be it worship, encouragement, them taking your sided regardless of if they think you're right or wrong, taking out the trash without asking or even the lack of intimacy);
When friends or loved ones don't give you the attention you seek/need/want/desire;
When your kids don't follow your instructions, regardless of how much you talk to them;

When you feel like God isn't answering your prayers and you've done nothing to deserve not being answered:

When you can find all the fault in the world with everything else and everybody else but what you're doing is ok:

We need to Be what we Seek...And not blame others because we lost OUR Passion!!!